Network Marketing is all about relationship, It is You recommending products or services You use yourself, to your relatives and friends. The
best way to do this is face to face conversation, or to reach out to people we like and trust on the phone or social media channels. You have
probably done this, most of your life when, or without thinking about it, you have recommended a good experience, or a good product, to a
family member or friend.
The difference is, that in Network marketing in general, and 24SEVEN-GLOBAL-Business in particular, you are rewarded for sharing your
experiences with products, services, and benefits, from your own multi-E-commerce platform. Note that all cashback is generated by the profit
we can achieve in our supplier agreements. In return, they can use our “Multi Vendor Platform”,, to reach new customers
who are rewarded for recommending their favorite products to others.
As a member in our community, you receive 60% in Cashback point of the net profit on any of your customer sales of products from your own
replicated website with your own unique referral link.